2023-24 eSports Roster

Gamertag Game Hometown
David Brousseau full bio David Brousseau Class: Fr Gamertag: B0ttomfrag Game: Valorant Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Garrett Byerley full bio Garrett Byerley Class: So Gamertag: gdcomplex Game: Overwatch 2, Rocket League Hometown: Bismarck, ND
William Dohrmann full bio William Dohrmann Class: Fr Gamertag: Wenston3rd Game: League of Legends Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Andrea Dolajak full bio Andrea Dolajak Class: So Gamertag: Charmandrea Game: Fortnite Hometown: Manda, ND
Joshua Dummer full bio Joshua Dummer Class: Fr Gamertag: Viking Wolfman Game: FIFA Hometown: St. Paul, MN
Trystan Fernandez full bio Trystan Fernandez Class: So Gamertag: Game: Hometown:
Mitchell Fisher full bio Mitchell Fisher Class: So Gamertag: Mitxh- Game: Rocket League Hometown: Mandan, ND
Paul Gellerman full bio Paul Gellerman Class: So Gamertag: PositivityPaul Game: Valorant Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Noah Giese full bio Noah Giese Class: Fr Gamertag: Docter Beeper Game: Rocket League Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Logan King full bio Logan King Class: So Gamertag: Re1n Game: Valorant, Overwatch 2 Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Kaleb Klein full bio Kaleb Klein Class: Fr Gamertag: 3Uter Game: Valorant Hometown: Jamestown, ND
Gage Millar full bio Gage Millar Class: Fr Gamertag: Tech 7 Game: Rocket League, Valorant Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Jordan Nadeau full bio Jordan Nadeau Class: Fr Gamertag: That1bottomFrag Game: Valorant Hometown: Mandan, ND
Braxton Nicholes full bio Braxton Nicholes Class: So Gamertag: Sttay Hydrated Game: League of Legends, Overwatch 2 Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Reno Ogden full bio Reno Ogden Class: So Gamertag: RenNeva Game: League of Legends Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Aiden Parrill full bio Aiden Parrill Class: Fr Gamertag: Game: Hometown:
Sean Purdy full bio Sean Purdy Class: Fr Gamertag: Skirtie Game: Valorant Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Christina Radi full bio Christina Radi Class: Fr Gamertag: Moura Game: League of Legends Hometown: Jamestown, ND
Alexander Roehrich full bio Alexander Roehrich Class: Fr Gamertag: Game: Hometown:
Jackson Torres full bio Jackson Torres Class: Fr Gamertag: Pacoj1 Game: Rocket League Hometown: Mandan, ND
Bennett Vatnsdal full bio Bennett Vatnsdal Class: So Gamertag: Mr.Meko Game: Rocket League Hometown: Bismarck, ND
X'Avier Vincent full bio X'Avier Vincent Class: So Gamertag: GrootLoops Game: Fortnite, Smash Brothers Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Jack Woeste full bio Jack Woeste Class: So Gamertag: GoldenEclipse Game: League of Legends Hometown: Bismarck, ND
Storm Zimmerman full bio Storm Zimmerman Class: Fr Gamertag: TheThirdArtifact Game: Rocket League Hometown: LaMoure, ND